
[Event] A Preview of the LDP Leadership Election with Timothy Langley

A Preview of the LDP Leadership Election with Timothy Langley

Tremendous change is in the air — the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) will hold a leadership election for Sept. 29, just before the end of Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide’s term as party president. Other LDP politicians have joined the race to take his place.

Kishida Fumio, Kono Taro, Noda Seiko, and Takaichi Sanae, all current or former ministers, will all contend for the party’s top spot. Political observers are watching closely to see who the faction bosses back, but doubts linger that they can whip the votes of younger members. For the first time in many years, the LDP faces a genuinely contested leadership election.

All of this comes with a lower house election must take place this fall. The timing of these elections, and how it is decided, determines a lot. Change like this happens infrequently in Japanese politics, so all eyes on the events in Nagatacho.

Join Langley Esquire CEO Timothy Langley for a discussion of these developments; he will share his expectations for the LDP party election, the personalities involved, and the issues at stake. Sufficient time will be reserved for questions and audience participation.

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